Cheek Fillers in Guildford, Surrey

Why dermal fillers for cheeks?

Part of the ageing process involves a loss of bone in the mid face known as bone resorption. In addition, the fat underlying our skin tends to gravitate down which can cause our cheek areas to lose volume and look a little loose and sagging or sunken.

Dermal fillers are used to enhance the cheekbones. Injection is administered into the cheek area which acts to create subtle volume in the mid face and in addition can soften the appearance of other changes in our lower faces such as nasolabial folds or nose to mouth lines.

Results are visible immediately and last between three to eighteen months depending on the filler used.

What are dermal fillers?

Hyaluronic acid is synthesised in the dermal layer of the skin.  Dermal fillers consist of a synthetic hyaluronic acid gel.  When injected into different layers of the face it can be used to reduce the appearance of sagging or loosening of the skin, folds, lines, wrinkles and to reshape areas of the face that have lost volume due to ageing. It has the added benefit of being very hydrating as it attracts water molecules. This allows for a plumping and firming affect and gives a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance.

Just like your own body’s hyaluronic acid; hyaluronic acid fillers degrade slowly over time and are naturally broken down by enzymes in the dermis layer of your skin.

Dermal filler injections are administered by using a needle or a cannula technique.  Depending on the area treated you may need to have topical local anaesthetic cream applied prior to treatment to minimise discomfort.  Dermal fillers contain local anaesthetic within them which also helps minimise discomfort during the procedure.

I use only FDA-approved, reversible and biodegradable hyaluronic acid dermal fillers to allow for maximum safety and natural results.

Before filler

After filler

I had a lot of bruising following all my previous aesthetic treatments. I do bruise very easily. Following treatment with you I had absolutely zero bruising.”

R.C March 2020

Following cheek enhancement my patients feel they look rejuvenated and refreshed with a more youthful glowing appearance.

Why choose Optimise Aesthetics for your cheek fillers

My goals when using dermal filler treatments is to achieve a safe natural looking refreshed and rejuvenated result.  My extensive aesthetic training and microsurgical experience enables me to gain results that are safe and personalised with minimal or no discomfort. It allows me to fine tune my dermal filler treatments to give a safe treatment which is catered to your desired outcomes.

I am a qualified GP and aesthetic doctor (Level 7 Diploma Aesthetics). I have undergone extensive cosmetic dermatology and aesthetic training at Harley Academy. I specialise in treatments such as dermal fillers, profhilo, microneedling and polynucleotides.

As a GP, my holistic approach to my cosmetic work allows me to explore your medical history and any concerns you may have or previously had with regards to past treatments elsewhere. My patients often describe me as calm and reassuring.

I will always discuss budget prior to treatment and will be open and honest about how to achieve the best results according to your budget too.