Why did I choose to specialise in Aesthetics?

The answer to the question I can split down into professional and personal triggers:
I absolutely loved the level of detailed knowledge required for my work as an eye surgeon and I loved operating. I did around 250 cataract procedures and 400 eye lid procedures before switching to General Practice. I enjoyed linking eye and systemic health and loved the attention to detail required for this work. I missed thinking about the ‘whole’ person though, how mental health affects physical health and kept thinking about my time as a medical student in GP which I really enjoyed. I chose a career in general practice with the option to offer an eye service to 1) Allow me to think about the whole person and eye health 2) Allow me some flexibility to specialise in something else that interests me and be a GP too.
I explored the option of Aesthetics by initially doing my Foundation Day in Aesthetics at the Harley Academy in London and the rest is history. That was it. I loved the day….the level of detail and knowledge required to practise Aesthetics safely and at a high level and the cosmetic dermatology.
I never really realised that medical grade skin care and treatments such as microneedling actually worked for fine lines and wrinkles, acne, scarring and pigmentation. I also didn’t appreciate the subtle and rejuvenating side of aesthetics and how fantastic it is and that results really don’t have to be a ‘frozen’ face or huge lips.
Every day that I attended for my courses I came back with a buzz of excitement. I had found a specialty that just fits for me and I would think to myself ‘I’m going to make sure I’m great at it!’
When I look back I have been interested in Aesthetics for a long time. I suffered from moderate acne as a teenager and my skin since has always been what is called combination skin and prone to break outs.
During pregnancy it would all resolve then at around a year post delivery (after stopping breast feeding) it would become its usual troublesome self. I also developed rosacea along the way. I would try all sorts of cleansers and creams and some prescribed creams and nothing really made a significant difference.
This got me interested in medical grade skin care which, alongside dietary improvements, have really helped me.
In addition some personal circumstances in my family, including the death of my Granny who I was very close to, made me think…..
‘LIFE IS TOO SHORT FOR WHAT IFS’.. so… here I am and I’m loving it!